Şirketle ilgili oyun472

Tüm Oyunlar
Tarih ▾ A-Z ▴
2004 Братья Пилоты. Олимпиада
2001 Real War
2004 Spartan [I/2004] [Спартанцы. Легион 3]
2005 Diplomacy [II/2005] [Дипломатия]
2002 Carcassonne [I/2002]
2004 Vietcong: Fist Alpha
2004 World War II Sniper: Call to Victory [Снайпер: Дороги войны]
2007 XIII Century: Death or Glory
2005 Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species [Zoo Tycoon 2: Исчезающие виды]
2007 Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals [Zoo Tycoon 2: Зоопарк Юрского периода]
2008 Cassandra's Journey: The Legacy of Nostradamus [Загадки Нострадамуса. В поисках кольца Судьбы]
2009 International Basketball 2009 [Баскетбол 2009: Все звезды]
2008 Yumsters! 2: Around the World [Нямстеры 2! Вокруг света]
1996 Bad Mojo: The Roach Game
2004 Space Hack
2008 MotoGP 08
2009 IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey [Ил-2 Штурмовик. Крылатые хищники]
2009 Monsters vs. Aliens: The Videogame [Монстры против пришельцев]
2001 Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion
2007 Волкодав: Путь воина
2002 Hegemonia: Legions of Iron
2006 Blitzkrieg 2: Fall of the Reich
2008 Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two [Над пропастью во тьме. Часть 2]
2007 Спецотряд "Кобра 11": Дорожный патруль
2008 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa [Мадагаскар 2]
2009 Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943
2009 Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943
2007 Корсары 3: Сундук мертвеца
2009 Return to Mysterious Island 2: Mina's Fate
2009 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - The Game [Трансформеры: Месть падших]
2008 Полный привод 2: Сибирский призыв
1994 Mad Dog 2: The Lost Gold
2005 Mission Barbarossa
2004 Hidden & Dangerous 2: Sabre Squadron
2003 World Racing [Мерседес. Мировые гонки]
2003 Tropico 2: Pirate Cove
2009 Ceville [Ceville. Похождения тирана]
2008 Incredibasketball [Улетный баскетбол]
2004 Carcassonne 2. Эпоха мамонтов
2001 King of the Road
2000 Stupid Invaders
2004 Blitzkrieg: Burning Horizon
2007 Crusader Kings: Deus Vult
2005 BorderZone
2005 BorderZone
2005 Delta Force: Xtreme
2007 A.I.M. Racing
2006 Massive Assault Network 2
2008 Вторая мировая. Нормандия
2008 Вторая мировая. Нормандия
2000 Homeworld: Cataclysm
2008 В тылу врага: Диверсанты 3
2006 RoboBlitz
2000 Legend of the Prophet and the Assassin, The
2006 Stronghold Legends
1999 SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle
2008 Neopets Puzzle Adventure
2004 ToCA Race Driver 2: Ultimate Racing Simulator
2008 FIM Speedway Grand Prix 3
2002 Combat Mission 2: Barbarossa to Berlin
2007 Global Conflicts: Palestine
2002 Operation Flashpoint: Resistance [Operation Flashpoint: Сопротивление]
2004 Shade: Wrath of Angels
2009 Sudden Strike: The Last Stand
2009 Communism Muscle Cars: Made in USSR
2004 Advanced Battlegrounds: The Future of Combat
2002 Pro Race Driver
2008 Limbo of the Lost [Город потерянных душ]
2006 Tomorrow War, The
2006 Tomorrow War, The
2004 Братья Пилоты. Обратная сторона Земли
2001 Frank Herbert's Dune
2006 GTI Racing
2009 Flock! [Flock! Овцы против НЛО]
2003 Space Colony
2001 Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor
2001 Silent Hunter 2
2006 Victoria: Revolutions [Виктория. Революции]
2008 Supreme Ruler 2020
2008 WALL-E [ВАЛЛ-И]
1999 Ford Racing
2004 Great Battles of WWII: Stalingrad
2018 Space Rangers: Legacy
2008 Digital Combat Simulator: Black Shark [Ка-50 "Черная акула"]
2008 Larva Mortus [Силы зла]
2008 Stronghold Crusader Extreme
2001 IL-2 Sturmovik
2009 Невероятные приключения кота Парфентия в деревне
2003 Pure Pinball [I/2003]
2005 Vietcong 2
2009 Men of War: Red Tide
2009 Men of War: Red Tide
2002 Prisoner of War
2008 Europa Universalis: Rome - Vae Victis [Европа. Древний Рим: Золотой век]
2002 Legion [Легион]
2005 World War I
2005 World War I
2005 R.I.P.
2008 Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches
2004 Augustus: The First Emperor
2009 Men of War
2006 Da Vinci Code, The
2003 Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun [Виктория]
2006 Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday [День Победы 2. Новая война]
2007 Europa Universalis 3: Napoleon's Ambition [Европа 3. Войны Наполеона]
2002 Hearts of Iron [День Победы]

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Genel firma bilgisi

Mevcut isimler 1C Company [common] [common] ООО "1С" [corporate]
Durum Active 1991 beri [>32 yıl]
Operasyon ülke Rusya Federasyonu [merkez]
Web sitesi Official

Şirket değerlendirmesi 72%

Zaman içinde ortalama oyun derecelendirmesi
Her zaman 72%
3 en yeni oyunlar 60%
10 en yeni oyunlar 62%

Platformlara göre Oyunlar

Oyun sayısı ve platform dağılımı
470 94%
8 2%
4 <1%
4 <1%
4 <1%
3 <1%
3 <1%
2 <1%
2 <1%
1 <1%
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