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Resting Relic

Şirkete ufak bir bakış

Resting Relic is the official name of Joe Winter’s one-person development studio. As an indie developer, Winter aims to build his experience working on titles including Halo 5, Halo: Infinite, and many others, to create rewarding, beautiful, and unique experiences that draw players into unforgettable worlds.

Genel firma bilgisi

Mevcut isim Resting Relic [common]
Önceki isimler Escape, LLC [2022 a kadar corporate etkili] Escape [2022 a kadar common etkili]
Durum Active
Operasyon ülke Amerika Birleşik Devletleri [merkez]

Platformlara göre Oyunlar

Oyun sayısı ve platform dağılımı
2 33%
2 33%
2 33%
Oturum Aç